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We are open year-round, with rolling deadlines. If this form is open, you can submit.

Submit your short stories, poems, personal essays or excerpts (that stand alone) from any genre of writing.  We’re willing to consider any form of writing that is well-written and from the heart. We especially love writing that has some connection to writing for wellness – narrative medicine, medical memoir, writing the self, healing writing, etc.

We prefer short pieces. Range is 15 to 2500 words, excluding works cited. Please submit one narrative or essay at a time, or up to 3 poems. Simultaneous submissions are fine.

We no longer accept previously published work. Please immediately withdraw your submission if your work is accepted for publication elsewhere. 

All pieces will be published on our website and author’s will be paid a one-time  honorarium of between $20 and $60 CAD. Three times yearly, we’ll select the best from among all the submissions we receive for publication in our magazine. All authors whose work is chosen for this magazine will receive 1 printed copy and 1 electronic copy.  

*This form collects funds in USD however the amount(s) in USD are adjusted to equal our CAD price list.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.